West Street Counselling Centre "Therapy for Life" In the Heart of Fareham

Help Available From The Team. G2

One to One Counselling and Psychotherapy For Adults

Clients come to the practice for many reasons and with a variety of issues, including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, relationships under strain or breaking down, bereavement, bullying, work related stress, trauma and abuse. We support the client in resolving the difficulties which are holding them back from living a positive, fulfilling life.

Couple Therapy

Couples can experience a range of relationship difficulties, including communication issues, loss of intimacy, the impact of infidelity, becoming parents, sexual dysfunction and bereavement. Working with couples is a specialist skill, requiring therapists to undertake in depth additional training. The West Street Counselling Centre has a large team of experienced couple therapists.

EMDR ( Eye Movement Desenstitation Reprocessing)

Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing is a powerful psychological treatment method, developed by an American Clinical Psychologist, Dr Francine Shapiro, in the 1980s. Traumatic memory can remain unprocessed in the brain, causing the person to re-experience distressing events, as if they were occurring in the here and now. EMDR can facilitate the processing of this trauma memory, by using bi-lateral stimulation, similar to that experienced naturally during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of the sleep cycle. EMDR is a very well researched therapy and can be used successfully to treat many presenting issues, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Complex PTSD (C-PTSD), Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Phobias, Addiction and Low Self Esteem. There are currently seven EMDR trained therapists at the practice and more information about EMDR can be found at EMDR Association UK

Individual Counselling and Psychotherapy for Children & Young People

Working with children and young people requires additional training and expertise. Several therapists in the team have undertaken this training and we are able to offer support to children from as young as 4 years.

Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision is an ethical requirement for Counsellors and Psychotherapists, to ensure ethical standards of practice are maintained and for professional development. Several members of the team are trained to offer this service.


Dr Graeme Rasmussen, works at the Centre offering McTimoney Chiropractic treatments. For more information about the services he provides, please contact him directly by calling 01489 278003.

Hypnotherapy/Mind Management

Helen Phyall uses powerful hypnosis techniques, without the ‘trance’, to put you back in control of you. Rapid changes to unwanted thoughts, feelings and habits that keep you stuck can be achieved.

For example, many clients have experienced positive lasting changes with stress, anxiety, depression, confidence, fears, phobias, motivation, sports performance, eating and smoking habits.

Helen offers a free Discovery Meeting; contact by email Helen Phyall or hop over to her website for more information themindshift.uk/

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